Prospects of Babel at the Bell-Roberts Gallery

Bell-Roberts will be hosting an exhibition of photographs by Greg Marinovich and Leonie Marinovich

Prospects of Babel is an exhibition of selected photographic images by, Pullitzer Prize winner, Greg Marinovich and Leonie Marinovich. These works are result of their collaboration with 3 other photographers for a book of the same title. The images explore life in the Democratic Republic of Congo; a country the size of Western Europe which is populated by approximately 250 ethnic groups using over 700 languages and dialects. This is a country of tremendous wealth in natural resources, yet it is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Concentrating on two interlinked themes – money and God, Greg’s work captures the sense of the foreboding that underlies almost all interactions in the volatile DRC. Leonie on the other hand captures two aspects of the DRC with her compelling work on mineral diggers as well as street life on the teaming streets of Lubumbashi.

The book will be available for purchase at the gallery.

The exhibition will run until 17 January 2009.

Bell-Roberts Gallery & Publishing
T. +27 (0)21 465 9108
F. +27 (0)86 656 5931
Ground Floor, Fairweather House
176 Sir Lowry Road
Cape Town

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