Un-mute my tongue by Ayanda Mabulu at Worldart Gallery

A solo exhibition of new paintings by Ayanda Mabulu (pictured above) will be on show at the Worldart gallery in November 2010.

Earlier this year, Mabulu was at the centre of a controversy when Truworths refused to show his work at an exhibition organised for artists from Good Hope Art, an organisation providing studio space and marketing for emerging artists. They felt the paintings were too controversial as it compared rightwing political leader Eugene Terreblanche with pigs and made a mockery of apartheid icons like the old South African flag. These paintings can be viewed on this website – just click on his name on the list of artists.

Though some people were offended, many took notice of a talented painter and enquired about his work. Worldart’s response was to offer Mabulu a residency at its studio and the opportunity to prepare for an exhibition free from concerns about what he may or may not paint.

“The fact is that Ayanda is a very good painter and an artist with a unique visual language.” said Charl Bezuidenhout, owner of Worldart.

This exhibition will be titled “Un-mute my tongue” and will deal with the desire felt by people who live in a certain segment of society that their views should be heard and considered.

“Political systems, the media, business and even religion seem to favour those who have. It is so obvious. Why do we accept that?” says Mabulu.

The exhibition will run until 8 November.

Worldart Cape Town
54 Church Street
Cape Town
Tel: +27 (0)21 423 3075

Strauss and Co