natives and visitors by Arlene Amaler-Raviv

Arlene has gained international acclaim for her extraordinary talent as an artist, and for her acute awareness of social rights and wrongs. This body of work will honour past expectations.

“This body of work makes direct reference to the people who try to establish roots and create homes in the places I inhabit and pass through everyday. For many this process is only made possible by the tenacity of their longing, the human longing, for a home. The environment itself is often hostile and unwelcoming, even for those who can afford homes. In these spaces, the ugly becomes beautiful, the native becomes a visitor in an alien land, the migrant becomes native, the uninhabitable is inhabited.” – Arlene Amaler-Raviv

Dates: 13 February – 27 February 2010

Worldart Gallery
54 Church Street
Cape Town

Tel: 021 423 3075

Hours: Monday to Friday 10am – 5pm and Saturday 10am -1pm. Closed on Sundays

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